Schlechte Nachrichten: BURN haben leider die Tour abgesagt…
“We Apologize to all But this European tour has had to be Postponed to a later date. We will keep everyone up to date on the rescheduling of this tour.
Thank you and again we apologize for any disappointment and inconvenience.”
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Burn is a New York hardcore band which began in 1989 playing what could be considered progressive hardcore music with introspective lyrics.
Burn released its first recording, a self-titled EP on Revelation Records in 1990. In 1992, the band separated, with vocalist Chaka Malik forming Orange 9mm, guitarist Gavin Van Vlack participating in Pry, Die 116, and The Big Collapse, and drummer Alan Cage in Quicksand. The band never officially disbanded, and after a stint of live performances, Burn was restarted with the addition of guitarist Vic DiCara (from 108 and Inside Out) and bassist Manny Carrero (from Glassjaw). In late 2001, Burn released a new EP on Equal Vision Records, Cleanse. In 2002, the band released a previously unreleased recording from 1992 on Revelation Records entitled, Last Great Sea, due to fans seeking out the tunes which had been circulating among fans from a demo.
In April 2016 the band announced their 4th release, From the Ashes

Die Band aus Wuppertal haut in die gleiche Kerbe wie AC4 und OFF!: total alte Schule, Hardcore-Miniaturen, simpel und schnell.